Best Performances
The actors who killed it this year get real.
<달라스 바이어스 클럽>, <머드> 매튜 매커너히
“I wanted to shake up my relationship with my career. I didn’t want to do romantic comedies or action adventures anymore, so when those projects came in, I said no. For about eight months, I kept saying no, no, no—and then there was nothing being offered to say no to. That was scary, but I was looking to be scared. Finally, the target drew the arrow: I started getting calls to play characters. And here we are.”
<아메리칸 허슬> 제니퍼 로렌스
“I was at the Oscars, waiting to hear if my name was called, and I kept thinking, Cakewalk, cakewalk, cakewalk. I thought, Why is ‘cakewalk’ stuck in my head? And then, as I started to walk up the stairs and the fabric from my dress tucked under my feet, I realized my stylist had told me, ‘Kick, walk, kick, walk.’ You are supposed to kick the dress out while you walk, and I totally forgot because I was thinking about cake! And that’s why I fell.”
<노예 12년> 루피타 뇽
“When I got the role in 12 Years a Slave,
I called my father and said, ‘Daddy, I got a part in a movie! Do
know Brad Pitt?’ And he said, ‘I’ve heard of him,
but I don’t know him
personally.’ I said, ‘Well—he’s producing this movie, and he’s really
big in Hollywood.’ My father paused and then said, ‘So you have a job!
Good. Congratulations! And good night!’ That call
put everything in
<앵커맨2> 윌 페럴
“We shot a musical number for Anchorman 2 called ‘It’s a Great Big World.’ It’s about Ron Burgundy and the news team walking into a 24-hour station and seeing all the television monitors. He dances and stumbles onto all these people in the office. Someone says, ‘I’m gay,’ and Ron sings, ‘If I were gay for a day, there’s nothing I wouldn’t say.’ It wasn’t one of our funnier things. It was cut from the film.”
<블루 이즈 더 워머스트 컬러> 레아 세이두
“I’m a huge fan of Woody Allen. He
is my god. When he cast me in Midnight in Paris,
he was already shooting the film. He saw a picture of me and called me
up and asked how long my hair was. I told him, ‘It’s around my
shoulders.’ He said, ‘Okay, cool, see you tomorrow on set.’ I hadn’t
read the script, and I hadn’t read
for him, but I said, ‘Of course.’
When God calls, you answer.”
<Out of the Furnace> 케이시 에플렉
“I sobbed and sobbed when I saw The Elephant Man. My brother and I watched it on a little black and white TV set
in my father’s apartment. I’m sure I also saw, you know, The Goonies as a child, but The Elephant Man haunted me.”
<Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom> 이드리스 엘바
“I played Stringer Bell, a drug dealer, on The Wire,
and the power of that part was amazing. Real drug dealers and thugs
would think I was truly a gangster. They gave me a lot of
they’d hand me cocaine as a kind of salute. At times I had to
remind myself that I was just an actor.”
<숏텀12> 브리 라슨
“The first job I booked was a skit, a fake Barbie commercial for the Jay Leno show called Malibu Mudslide Barbie. I was 8, and I looked perfectly American-cute, but I had an evil streak. In the sketch, I’m playing with the Barbies and a bucket of mud is poured on top of them. I was so excited: I had lines, I had a dressing room with my name on it, and I was being talked to like an actor. I thought I was on my way to stardom.”
<스프링 브레이커스> 제임스 프랑코
“I had cornrows in Spring Breakers, which helped me get into character. They were so itchy. Once you have that hairstyle, you’re suddenly in a weird club. People come up to you and talk about cornrows. Oftentimes, those other cornrow people would have guns. I never broke character—I needed to feel like that self-invented gangster at all times. To me, he is an example of the scary things that can happen when you get everything you want.”
<세이빙 미스터 뱅크스> 엠마 톰슨
“I am not quite pro-Disneyland. I first went there as a teenager, and it was a confusing place for a girl from England: Something about the merging of dark, ancient Europe and 1950s America was very strange. I remember my father saying, ‘Why do they call them “restrooms” at Disneyland? I don’t want to have a rest.’ ”
<아메리칸 허슬>, <허> 에이미 아담스
“I learned to like auditions. I didn’t get most of the jobs, so I viewed auditions as my only opportunity to act. I was invested: I would dress the part. When I tried out for Catch Me If You Can, my character had braces, and I wore teeth-whitening trays to the audition—I wanted the sensation of something awkward being in my mouth, of sounding lispy. Amazingly, I got the part.”
<오스카 그랜트의 어떤 하루> 마이클 B.조던
“I was on All My Children at 17, and I had to do my first ever sex scene. I like to make things real, and it was one of those moments. He [pointing at his crotch] doesn’t know there’s a script, so I said to the actress, ‘I apologize if he moves, and I apologize if he doesn’t.’ Everything worked out cool: It’s not a sex tape.”
<드링킹 버디즈> 올리비아 와일드
“When I was around 5, people started saying, not necessarily in a positive way, ‘Uh oh—I think we have an actress on our hands!’ Now I understand that they thought I was overly theatrical, but at the time, I said, ‘Really? Why, thank you. I will become a child star!’ Sadly, my parents would not let me get an agent. They flat out refused, which I thought was abusive.”
<돈존> 조셉 고든 래빗
“My professional crush is on Orson Welles. The first thing he did that rocked the planet was The War of the Worlds, a fake radio broadcast where he convinced Americans that they were being invaded by Martians. And then he made Citizen Kane. So, fuck it— I’m just going to aim high.”
<러쉬>, <토르:다크 월드> 크리스 헴스워스
“I auditioned for Thor, and I didn’t get called back. I was intimidated by the director, Kenneth Branagh—to me, he is Shakespeare. My brother, Liam, was luckier. He was one of the final five guys up for the part, but none of them were quite right. My manager said, ‘If you liked Liam, maybe you’ll also like his older brother.’ This time, I was pissed off. I didn’t care about Shakespeare anymore; swagger got me the part.”
<블루 자스민>, <모뉴먼츠 맨> 케이트 블란쳇
“For a lot of women, clothes don’t reflect who they are—but who they want to be. The wardrobe of my character in Blue Jasmine is the last vestige of her former life as a wealthy lady. She loses everything when her husband’s shady business is exposed, and I spent a lot of time thinking about which clothes she would hide from the Feds. I knew she would keep her Chanel jacket. It might be somewhat frayed, but she needed to use it as a mask.”
<아이스맨>, <맨 오브 스틸> 마이클 섀넌
“I kind of fell into acting in high school. I did it because I really enjoyed taking a break from being myself. When I was young, they always gave me fatherly parts. There were other tall dudes, but they said, ‘You could be the old guy.’ I guess it’s because I’m naturally crotchety.”
<노예12년> 치에텔 에지오프
“Steve McQueen called me up one day and said, ‘I want you to do this thing.’ It was 12 Years a Slave. He couldn’t believe that I didn’t immediately say yes, that there was any conversation to be had. But it wasn’t an easy yes. I needed to read the book. And while I was reading, I slipped down the rabbit hole. It took me a while to get out. I finished the book in floods of tears. Only then did I say yes.”
<비포 미드나잇> 줄리 델피
“In Before Midnight, I show my breasts. I decided, Okay, it has to be like I’m alone in the room with my boyfriend. I blocked out the fact that I was topless, and I worked all day on the set with my breasts showing. I never put on a robe, even between takes.”
<프란시스 하> 믹키 썸머
<트와이스 본> 페넬로페 크루즈
“I have made five films with Pedro Almodóvar, and in four of those movies, I am pregnant and have a baby. Now that I’m a mother, I would play those delivery scenes differently. Before, I would scream very loud during the birth. Now that I’ve actually had children, I would show more pain and scream less. It sounds backwards and may be less dramatic, but more pain, smaller screaming is the reality.”
<네브라스카> 브루스 던
“My parents did not approve of my career. My mother said, ‘You might think you’re doing entertaining films, but I can’t take your grandfather to The Trip. He doesn’t even know what LSD is, and that’s what the movie is about. And why, oh, why would you be on a motorcycle in nine consecutive films? Why can’t you be like Henry Fonda?’ And, full circle: The director Alexander Payne’s first choice for my character in Nebraska was Henry Fonda. He wasn’t here, so I lucked out.”
<달라스 바이어스 클럽> 자레드 레토
“I was in character throughout the shooting of Dallas Buyers Club, and the world would react to me as a man dressed as a woman. One day, on a break, I walked through Whole Foods. I got three distinct looks: Who is that?, What is that?, and I don’t know what that is, but I don’t like it.”
<프란시스 하> 그레타 거윅
“When I was 12, I realized that I would never be a professional dancer. In ballet, if your body is not right, it becomes self-flagellation, which is, I guess, its own pleasure, but that wasn’t enough for me. Before I quit, I played Clara in The Nutcracker with the Sacramento Ballet, which was a very big deal. My teacher said to me, ‘You know, they only gave you the part because of your personality.’ For the rest of my life, that tape has been in my head: I feel like everything I’ve achieved was because of my personality, rather than my ability.”
<울프 오브 월 스트리트> 조나 힐
“Goodfellas is the reason I make movies, and when I heard that there was a part in a [Martin] Scorsese movie that I would be great for, I said I would die to do it. I flew to New York to read for him. They took me into the audition room, and the air conditioner was busted and it was about 100 degrees. I started pouring sweat. I was literally dripping, but I couldn’t decide whether to be über polite and say nothing or complain. I finally told Scorsese that it was too hot to concentrate, and he let me read the scenes in his refrigerated office. I was like, All right, no turning back. Afterward, I didn’t care whether or not I got the role. I walked all the way home from uptown to downtown thinking, That was the greatest thing ever.”
<킬 유어 달링스> 데인 드한
“When I auditioned for Lucien Carr in Kill Your Darlings, I felt it would be helpful if I dressed the part. I think it’s useful to have the air of the character about you—I try to fool the director into thinking that’s who I am. For Lucien, I was preppy and snarky. At the end of my audition, the director asked, ‘What are you doing in February?’ I looked at him and said, ‘You tell me’—that was very Lucien Carr. The director later told me that my response was one of the main reasons he cast me.”
<허> 스칼렛 요한슨
character, Samantha, doesn’t have a body. She’s just a voice. And yet
the vocal work was extremely intimate. I spent all of my hours in a
little sound booth, and when I spoke the sex scenes, the windows
definitely fogged up. Spike [Jonze, the director] knocked on the door
and asked, ‘Whoa—are you okay?’ I said, ‘I just want to throw a little
heat into this life.’ ”
<킬 유어 달링스>, <론 서바이버> 벤 포스터
“I like being around soldiers. I like people—policemen, enlisted men—who have a warrior ethos. Forget the politics; these men are noble. By playing soldiers, I’m proud to say, I’ve become a good shot. Making a movie is not like war. No one’s claiming it’s war, but when you take out a target at 300 yards, it feels pretty damn good. It’s like a drug. Having said that, I wish somebody would cast me in a romantic comedy.”
<스펙타큘러 나우> 쉐일린 우들리
“When I saw Titanic, I wasn’t allowed to look when Kate Winslet took her robe off and posed naked for Leonardo DiCaprio. My parents were in the room, and they made me turn my face so that I didn’t see her breasts. We had French doors to our backyard, and I could see the scene reflected in the glass. I remember thinking, Oh, my God—one day I’m going to have those, and it’s so exciting.”
<러브레이스> 아만다 사이프리드
“Deep Throat is a disgusting film. It’s not artistic, even
it was the first feature-length
porn movie to be released in
theaters. It does have a plot, which
is funny. But the long scenes
people having sex were not interesting to me. I watched 20 minutes, and
that was enough.”
<버틀러> 오프라 윈프리
“My first crush at the movies was on Robert Duvall in The Godfather. He’s really the unsung hero of the film, the stabilizer of the family. He keeps everybody going, and he knows all the secrets, but he has his own sense of honor and dignity. I love that. I loved him.”
<프리즈너스> 제이크 질렌홀
“The first movie I remember seeing was Gigi. My mother and sister sort of forced me to watch it when I was 4 or 5. I remember Gigi getting drunk and being unclear about why her behavior was suddenly so erratic. I remember thinking, Why is this person acting so strangely? As for her being a prostitute, that I got immediately.”